FOX is dedicated to the transformation of the media and entertainment business into a more sustainable industry. Since the formation of Fox Corporation in 2019, our focus has evolved from awareness and data collection to action, impact and influencing positive change. We are committed to operating efficiently and reducing environmental impacts associated with our operations across all our FOX businesses.


We own and lease various properties in the U.S. (including the FOX Studio Lot in Los Angeles) and actively look for opportunities to more efficiently use energy and water and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste.

Learn more about our FOX Studio Lot Environmental Management System (EMS) here.


From sports to news and entertainment, our productions and broadcasts require energy, travel and materials that need to be managed responsibly.


We work with our suppliers to manage relevant environmental risks, support industry wide efforts and encourage employees to adopt sustainability practices in the workplace.


We seek to align with reporting best practices and to independently ensure appropriate environmental data to be comprehensive and clear when disclosing our efforts and impact.

Data above covers the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. The Scope 1, Scope 2 (location-based), and Scope 3 (business air travel) GHG emissions data have been verified to a limited level of assurance by an independent third party verification company. Due to rounding, individual emissions data may not reflect totals. Any statistics and metrics provided on this page are subject to update or amendment due to, among other things, developing standards and methodologies and new data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company assumes no obligation to update this information. Please refer to the “Forward-Looking Statements” section of this website.